
Become a Member

Spike Print Studio offers access to specialist printmaking equipment and a wealth of expertise for experienced printmakers, together with professional opportunities for artists. SPS supports the UWE MA Multidisciplinary Printmaking students, students and others on a case-by-case basis.

Spike Print Studio encourages and supports the development of your practice.  Beginners can start with courses at the studio and then join as a Day or Evening Access member. Those with more experience or who want more access may opt for Standard membership. Keyholder Membership allows 24 hour access to the studio and is for experienced, professional members only. It can act as a springboard for getting work into exhibitions and galleries.

The studio has a great reputation for producing professional and innovative work, and we encourage all our members to aspire to this standard. All members must undertake a studio Health & Safety induction. All members must demonstrate proficiency in at least one process and an awareness of their responsibilities within the studio. We may occasionally run workshops outside designated learning programme times and will give due notice of this.

Membership categories

• Keyholder

• Standard

• Day Time Access

• Evening Access

• Affiliate (be our friend and supporter).

Open access

• Open access for own work.

• Open access for editioning for others.

Please fill in our NEW online  Membership enquiry form

or download a pdf version here Membership Enquiry Form.pdf  and email it to

There are many benefits of becoming a member:

  • unique atmosphere -the studio has  a vibrant working environment that promotes shared learning and exchange of ideas
  • be part of a studio that offers comprehensive open access facilities to artists
  • exhibit in group exhibitions
  • attend and have a voice at the studio members’ AGM
  • eligible to be elected to the board of Trustees through invitation and interview
  • receive a 10% discount on all our courses.  SPS runs an innovative, exciting learning programme which is designed to suit all ranges of skills – beginners to professionals
  • buy materials at a reduced rate
  • be invited to submit work for exhibition at Art Fairs and Print Club Bristol
  • receive regular email updates of artist opportunities and news

Artists may choose from a variety of memberships which allow for flexible access and membership rates. To enquire about joining please call us on 0117 929 0135 or email

You need to attend an informal interview and an induction in order to become a member. The inductions are available in either screenprinting or etching/relief. These take place by arrangement with the Studio  Technicians.  Membership monthly payments must be started before an induction can take place.

The induction will give you a good understanding of studio practice and it will enable you to decide the type of membership that suits your needs. The induction costs £15.   To become a member of Spike Print Studio you need to be competent in at least one area of print.


Questions about membership? Please email