Artist donated prints
A number of artists have been kind enough to donate work to help us fundraise for equipment
Emma Stibbon

Night Summit by Emma Stibbon. Buy here
Charlotte Biszewski

Celebrating 40 years and printed on Vandercook Press
Paper size: 28 x 76 cm
Printed on Southbank
Edition of 40
Thanks to Charlotte for this beautiful screenprint print to celebrate Spike Print Studio’s 40th anniversary in 2016. This edition was printed to raise funds for the studio. All money from the sale of this print will be spent on new equipment. Buy here.
Jono Boyle

Too Much Too Young
Edition no: 20
Image size: 62 x 45 cm
Paper size: 76 x 56 cm
Paper: Somerset Satin
Jono Boyle is an artist based in Bristol who originally began working on the street under his then DJ name ‘Motorboy.’
In his own words, Boyle says of his work: “I am fascinated with and motivated by this cultural debris that society’s ever changing fashions leave behind. Whether working in paint, print, installation, or collage, my work act as a form of selective commentary, picking from the pool of discarded cultural memories like a DJ picks from the crates.”
Working across a range of different media, Jono Boyle features in the collections of private collectors and museums worldwide, and is a founding member of the Steal From Work artist collective.
Jono was on SPS Board of Directors until 2017 and was also its Treasurer. He was always extremely generous with his time for the studio. He now based in Athens, making new works and establishing new ventures.
Georgina Hounsome

Spike Island 40 (lights on in the print studio)
Paper size: 76 x 28 cm
Printed on Southbank
Edition of40
Thanks to Georgina for this stunning screenprint to celebrate Spike Print Studio being within the Spike Island building since it started 40 years ago.
This edition has been printed to raise funds for the studio.
All money from the sale of this print will be spent on new equipment. Buy here.
Pam Scott Wilkie

Australian Red
Edition of 20
£345 framed (a/p)
Horizon Series
The Horizons series was commissioned by the Ikon Gallery for a special exhibition in 2008. Ikon is an internationally acclaimed contemporary art venue located in Birmingham, UK . This series of screen prints is a kaleidoscope of images based on the experience of travel and visits around the globe in the early 21st century, mostly by air, and returning to see the familiar with fresh eyes. There are 19 prints each in a limited edition of 20 and they were all printed at SPS. Since then they have been exhibited widely, including a show by SPS ” Going the Distance, Travels in Time”. It parallels an earlier narrative series of 20 prints based on driving overland to Asia in 1970 which was printed in a makeshift studio in Pakistan. Journey is now in private and public collections including the V and A Museum.
Australian Red was inspired by a road trip in SE Australia