5 week course cyanotype and tri colour gum bichromate
For beginners and refreshers. During this course you will learn the historic processes of cyanotype & gum bichromate printing.
Tuesday 19 September – 17 October 2023
Cost £235
Tutor Martyn Grimmer
For beginners and refreshers. During this course you will learn the historic processes of cyanotype & gum bichromate printing. You will begin with photographs, analogue or digital, and process them through Photoshop as digital negatives onto film. Cyanotype is a photographic process that involves two chemicals to coat the paper to make it sensitive to UV light, resulting in a deep prussian blue image. This process was originally created in 1842. It is one of the simpler alternative processes and is a great introduction to alternative photography. With Gum Bichromate, photo-sensitized watercolour is brushed onto the paper, upon which negatives are placed during exposure to ultraviolet light. Multiple colour layers can be printed over cyanotypes to produce beautiful, luminous combinations of painting and photography. Some knowledge of Photoshop desirable.
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