POCHOIR – 1 day STENCIL workshop with George Hounsome
10am – 4pm
This workshop is ideal for people with no print experience as well as people looking to try something new !
On this day workshop Georgina will introduce Pochoir, the art of stencil printing.
You will be shown how to design your prints, cut multiple layer stencils, and build up tones of colour using stippled sponge application.
The application can be strong, graphic, sensitive, and rich; creating unique atmospheric one-off prints. You will have the opportunity to develop several designs as this is a quick and accessible process. The process can also be recreated at home as there are no presses involved and materials are easy to buy and use.
Bring your sketchbooks, drawings or photographs and we will transform them into Pochoir prints.
Led by Artist and Printmaker George Hounsome. See more of her work here.

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