The State Of
We are living in a state of drastic change. Extremist political leaders around the world flex their muscles in disregard to the citizens of their states, and continuously threaten the well being of the world around them. Environmentalists around the world consistently recognize the detrimental effects of our obsession for technology in the world around us, while world leaders declare it to be a hoax. The Great Barrier Reef was proclaimed dead last year, and there is no doubt that our effects on the natural world will be visible in geological findings millennia from now. Is there room for positivity? What would your message be to people around the world if you could express on one sheet of paper? What is the “state of” politics, environment, or social issues in your country?
Spike Print Studio and Ctrl Art Gallery, present the work of 33 artists in a global exchange of artworks to the above statement. “The State Of” is an international exhibition that uses the medium of printmaking to produce a dialogue on our current times, with voices worldwide calling out for change, positivity, and awareness, which sees printmakers engage with the exchange and curation of the exhibition in their home cities between March and June of 2019.
Featuring artists:
Alicja Skomra (Poland), Anna Trojanowska (Poland, Wroclaw), Charlotte Biszewski (UK/Poland), Charlotte Clauzel (Germany), Deborah Oden (USA, California), Dominika Surmacz (Poland), Evka Whaley-Smith (USA), Filip Trnka (Czech Republic), Guanch Zhu (China), Katarzyna Roman (Norway), Katarzyna Tereszkiewicz (Poland), Kitty Hubbard (USA, New York), Kristina Paasbus (USA, Ohio), Kamilla Bednarska (Poland), Laura Ponte (France), Lukasz Butowski (Poland) ), Maciek Jaroszczek (Poland), Magdalena Hlawacz (Poland), Monika Waleciejczyk (Poland), Mumu Wang (China), Pawel Puzio (Poland), Philip Haucke (Germany), Priscilla Romero Cubero (Spain), Raquel Amat – (Belfast , Ireland), Renata Kurczynska, (Poland), Samira Zamani (Iran), Sarah Epping, (Poland), Sylwia Lesniewski (Canada), Tatiana Potts (USA, Tennessee), Victoria Goro-Rapoport (USA, Nebraska), Lorena Pradel (Argentina), Han Xu (China),Woichtech Kolacz (Poland).
05/07/19 – 12/07/19
Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm
Opening Night: 05/07/19
18.00 – 21.00
At Spike Print Studio,
Spike Island, Cumberland Rd, Bristol, BS1 6UX
Showing at the same time at Spike Island