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Home Print Project/Mobile Print Project 2020-2022

March 2022 Update

This wonderful project has just concluded with an exhibition of the communities involved at The Vestibules Gallery, City Hall Bristol.  We are grateful and lucky to have had artists Anna Haydock-Wilson and Amy Hutchings running the project with skill, compassion and artistic flexibility. We intend to develop this work further.


July 2021 update

Mobile Print Project

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Originators Funding by Bristol City Council City Arts Team so we can continue offering printmaking workshops to vulnerable communities across Bristol.

As with our Home Print Project this fund will enable us to support arts activities for young carers and refugee groups and families. These activities will run in partnership with Carers Support Centre, Borderlands, Refugee Women of Bristol, Imayla and other organisations supporting people in need. Anna & Amy will cycle quality print making materials into community settings and deliver tailor made workshops in a variety of printmaking techniques. We will provide Zoom workshops to young carers, mentor community facilitators and provide exhibition opportunities. These will start in September.

It is important that SPS can continue to work with our communities until we can safely welcome them back into the studio. This project maintains strong links with them and when they can come back in the studio, it will not be a formidable individual challenge.

Spike Print Studio Printmaking Packs

by Amy Hutchings and Anna Haydock-Wilson

Spike Print Studio Printmaking Packs is a community project supported by Quartet Community Foundation with the purpose of continuing its refugee and asylum seeker and young people’s programmes whilst the studio is closed to the public and working with our partners and their supporting organisations to continue to deliver and expand this vital inclusion project.

The grant has enabled us to provide printing packs to use in the home or in community settings. This project is part of Show Me How, our community printmaking education project which creates opportunities for young people (16-25) and young adult carers, who have limited access to the arts. The project acts as an umbrella for other projects that may want to take part.


Welcome to the Home Print Packs page.

In your print pack you should have a copy of the ‘recipe’ booklet to take you through simple steps of some print making techniques.

Click here to download the Home Print recipes booklet.

We have also made some demonstration videos to help you learn. Please watch these before you start each technique if you are able to.

Video tip: If you have a slow internet connection you can click the Settings icon at the bottom of each video and choose lower quality which will make it easier to stream the video over a slow connection.

1. Simple monoprint demo from nature 6 mins

2. Monoprinting with Amy 10 min

3. Drypoint Printing with Amy 11 mins

4. Collagraph printing with Amy 15 mins

If you are an Arabic speaker we have also made a video with spoken translation to demonstrate Drypoint printing:

All the techniques are suitable for doing with children and here is a video demo.

Drypoint printing with children

Here are some more demos of different Monoprinting techniques

And, here’s the boring bit- a little cleaning video! The ink we are using is washable with water and any kind of soap or washing up liquid but not easy to remove when completely dry. It’s also a good idea to have a wet cloth to hand for wiping inky fingers during the printmaking.


We have sought wisdom from organisations and individuals to make these packs as accessible as possible for Young Carers and Refugees and we would especially like to thank:

Browse our community projects

  • Home Print Project/Mobile Print Project 2020-2022

    A community project supported by Quartet Community Foundation with the purpose of continuing its refugee and asylum seeker and young people's programmes whilst the studio is closed during lockdown, providing printing packs to use in the home or in community settings and a series of demonstration videos.

  • Partners in Print

    Joint project between SPS and UWE to grow community engagement by creating sustainable opportunities for learning, exhibiting, editioning and professional development for young people who would not otherwise have access to such opportunities.

  • This Place-Refugee Workshops

    Spike Print Studio offers free monthly workshops to asylum seekers and refugees from Borderlands.

  • SPS/UWE Scholarship

    Working in partnership, SPS and UWE, Bristol are creating opportunities for UWE, Bristol students and Spike Print Studio members.

  • Artist donated prints

    A number of artists have been kind enough to donate work to help us fundraise for equipment